My Must-Haves For Directing/Producing


No matter the show or the stage, there are a few staples to have on hand for every production:

  • Good Quality Shoes: Don’t underestimate the need for a good pair of shoes. Most likely you’ll moving around a lot, and you don’t want sore feet on your mind.

  • Small Notebook: Generally I like to write on something small that can fit in my back pocket, and paper I don’t mind ripping off to give someone a note.

  • Pens: Carry around ones you don’t mind losing or lending out knowing you probably won’t get it back.

  • Black and Silver Sharpies: There are numerous reasons/times you may need a sharpie; black ones are great for most everything, and silver ones are great for writing on black gaff tape.

  • Spike Tape: Used mostly for marking where a prop or person should be on stage. I always have at least two colors to signify different people/props. If you’re spiking a prop on stage, please spike the back legs, never the front! (Buy Spike Tape at B&H)

  • Gaff Tape: Ask anyone in production, gaff tape is their best friend. It fixes everything! Word to the wise, don’t go cheap on your gaff tape. I’ve learned my lesson. (Buy Gaff Tape at B&H)

  • Microphone Tape: We use medical tape to hold microphones in place on someone’s skin. It hurts a lot less than other kinds of tapes I’ve tried, and it seems to really hold up well with costume changes, sweat, and makeup. (Buy Microphone Tape on Amazon)

  • Multitool: For obvious reasons.

  • Lighting Key: Most lighting directors will already have one, but I like to keep one in my bag just in case.

  • Flashlight: There’s always that moment when you’re backstage, it’s dark, and you can’t find something.

  • Phone: You never know when someone on the crew or cast is going to call/text because they’re running late or maybe they got lost. Always have your phone on you. Just be sure it’s set to vibrate, and turn off any alarms!

  • Watch: Most people probably use their phone as their watch, but personally I love wearing a basic watch on show days. There’s something about the simplicity of being able to just glance at my wrist rather than pulling out my phone every few minutes.

  • Water Bottle: Stay hydrate friends!

  • Personal Items: You can always guarantee that I have mints, Advil, hair-ties, chapstick, and deodorant on hand. ProTip: Most deodorants will melt on a hot day, which is why I have the roll-on kind in my bag.

To make life a little easier on the day of the show, I bought a smaller size roll of gaff, spike, and medical tape and put them on a safety cable which can easily clip to my bag or onto my belt loop. It’s come in handy quite often, and then I always have a safety clip with me too if it’s needed for some reason.
